home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; $VER: AmigaMesa.install 1.00 (07.09.96)
- ; Install script for AmigaMesa
- ;
- ;(USER 2)
- (SET #ApplicationName "AmigaMesa")
- (SET @default-dest "/")
- ;(SET @default-dest "ram:")
- (SET #ArchiveDir "")
- (set #source-dir
- (if (= 1 (exists @icon))
- (pathonly (expandpath @icon))
- (expandpath @icon)
- )
- )
- ;=============================================================================
- ; English strings
- (SET #App-InstallMsg
- (CAT "\n\%s installation script.\n"
- "This script installs %s on your Amiga.\n\n"
- "SORRY But for now beeing everyting is hardcoded"
- ))
- (SET #App-Where
- (CAT "Where would you like to install %s ?\n"
- "(All amiga files will be updated)"
- ))
- (SET #APP-Where-help
- (CAT "The installation is by defult to your mesa archive (Eg to /)\n"
- "It will unlha an archive to the directory you chose and "
- "update all files in the structure\n"
- "If I'ts your first time you install you should just continue "
- "But is you are updating your amigamesa with new files "
- "AND for some reason want to keep your OLD amigamesa you could "
- "install the files to RAM: and the copy them to the neaded directory "
- "by yourself"
- ))
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; GetApplicationDir
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (PROCEDURE P_GetApplicationDir #Dummy
- (SET @default-dest
- (PROMPT (#App-Where #ApplicationName))
- (HELP #APP-Where-help)
- (default #Dummy)
- )
- ""
- )
- )
- (procedure P_select-destination-directory
- (transcript "Selecting destination directory for the installation.")
- (while
- (
- (set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (PROMPT (#App-Where #ApplicationName))
- (HELP #APP-Where-help)
- (newpath)
- (default #source-dir)
- )
- )
- (if (= 2 (exists @default-dest))
- 0
- (makedir @default-dest
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; MAIN
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;(P_Requirements)
- (message (#App-installmsg #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationName #ApplicationName))
- (welcome)
- ;(P_select-destination-directory)
- ;(SET #ApplicationDir (P_GetApplicationDir @default-dest))
- (message ("Pressing Proceed now will update your AmigaMesa"))
- ; (pathonly (expandpath @default-dest))
- ; (expandpath @default-dest)
- (working "Uncompressing all files")
- (run (cat "lha x -a " (tackon #ArchiveDir "amesa.lha ") @default-dest ))
- (COMPLETE 100)
- ;(exit #App-exit)